
Προβολή αναρτήσεων από Ιούλιος, 2022

Διάλεξη David Reich και η μεγαλύτερη έρευνα του 2022

Ο νούμερο ένα γενετιστής παγκοσμίως David Reich θα δώσει μια διάλεξη στις 12 Ιουλίου συζητώντας την επερχόμενη έρευνα που διεξήγαγε το εργαστήριό του στο Χάρβαρντ με τίτλο "The Genetic History of the Southern Arc: A Bridge between West Asia & Europe" (λινκ: https://iias.huji.ac.il/event/david-reich-lecture) Περίληψη:  We present an integrative genetic history of the Southern Arc, an area divided geographically between West Asia and Europe, but which we define as spanning the culturally entangled regions of Anatolia and its neighbors, in both Europe (Aegean and the Balkans), and in West Asia (Cyprus, Armenia, the Levant, Iraq and Iran). We employ a new analytical framework to analyze genome-wide data at the individual level from a total of 1,320 ancient individuals, 731 of which are newly reported and address major gaps in the archaeogenetic record. We report the first ancient DNA from the world’s earliest farming cultures of southeastern Anatolia and northern Mesopotamia,...